Religious Education

Religious Education at Blackwater
Religious Education is 'Championed' at Blackwater by Mrs Murley and Mrs Vaughan.

‘Commitment, fairness, respect, self-understanding, enquiry and openness are the qualities that will be fostered though Religious Education.’

 Subject intent

At Blackwater Primary School we follow the ‘Cornwall Agreed Syllabus 2020’ which specifies that a religiously educated pupil in Cornwall must have the opportunity to:

  • acquire knowledge and understanding of religions in Cornwall in the present day;
  • acquire knowledge and understanding of how religious traditions have shaped the identity of Cornwall;
  • acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain;
  • develop an understanding of the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities, societies and cultures;
  • develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about issues arising from the study of religions;
  • reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences as part of their study.


We achieve this by;

Learning about Religions (Knowledge and Understanding of Religion)

This includes the ability to:

  • Identify religious beliefs and teachings in order to give a coherent account of a believer’s response to the world.
  • Describe religious practice and lifestyles in a religious tradition and compare and contrast that with others.
  • Explain the meaning of religious language, story and symbolism.


Learning from Religion (Reflection on Meaning)

This includes the ability to:

  • Explore human identity, personality and experience
  • Reflect upon questions of meaning and purpose
  • Identify and respond to values and commitments in themselves and others


Religious Education in Early Years

Pupils will encounter religions and worldviews through special people, books, times, places and objects and by visiting places of worship. They will listen to and talk about stories. They will be introduced to subject specific words and will explore beliefs, practices and forms of expression. They will ask questions and reflect upon their own feelings and experiences. They will use their imagination and curiosity to develop their appreciation and wonder of the world in which they live.


Through the year they will achieve this through the celebration and experience of festivals and celebrations:

  • Harvest
  • Christmas
  • Easter


They will also celebrate Cornish festivals e.g. St Piran’s Day, to enable pupils to recognise key themes of human experience within their own lives and the lives around them.


Withdrawal from RE

RE is part of the curriculum for all schools as set out in the 1996 Education Act and in the Schools Standards and Framework Act and must be taught to all pupils, however, parents do have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE. This is done in consultation with the Head teacher so that agreement can be reached as to how the withdrawal can best be managed.  Appropriate work should be provided by the parents/ carers. 


The 2020 Cornwall Agreed Syllabus has been created for Cornwall SACRE and approved by. Cornwall Council. It provides a syllabus for RE for all our schools.
SEN adaptions
For Special Educational Need (SEN) adaptations please see the document below.
Sequence of Learning 
 We are passionate about making sure the children learn through projects. Here are our sequence documents for class, which explain the small steps they are learning, along with the key vocabulary and end points. 
Where can you use your RE learning in the future?
If you would like to find out more about this curriculum area, please email Mrs. Evison on