
Music is 'championed' at Blackwater School by Mr. Hurrell

Music at Blackwater

At Blackwater, music is an integral part of school life. Music lessons are designed to be fun and interactive; we want children to be engaged in listening, singing and performing. It is also our intention that children develop an appreciation of music through both listening and playing; we intend that children have regular opportunities to play musical instruments.  

The scheme we use for the teaching of music, Charanga, ensures coverage of the national curriculum objectives. Each unit of work comprises the strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music: listening and appraising, musical activities (warm-up games, singing, playing instruments, improvisation, composition) and performing.   

We intend to have an integrated, practical and exploratory approach to musical learning. Charanga provides many examples of music styles and genres from different times and places. These are explored through the language of music via active listening, performing and composing activities, which enable understanding of the context and genre. 

Through our music lessons children are actively involved in a wide range of musical opportunities. Children develop their singing voices, using body percussion and whole body actions, and learning to handle and play classroom instruments effectively to create and express their own and others’ music.  

If you would like to find out more about this curriculum area, please email Mrs. Evison on